17 juni 2010

a confused girl

i've got a friend
who's a girl
her name is frida

frida is a bit confused
confused but alright

she is 23
but she wants to be 73
or not
it's just like this

frida likes..
..old cans from the 60s
..to hang out with old people
..when her boyfriend wears old shirts
..when new apartments gets an old look
..play old peoples games like bridge
..those old bags on wheels that you drag after yourself
..meet new old people
..meet old new people
..drinking coffee from old cups

but sometimes she likes new stuff
like babies from her sister

i wonder what will happen when she gets old
what if she tired of old people then
and theres not that many girls like frida who likes to hang out with old people
who will be with her then
i know
and me
and we will still be very groovy
like now
like always

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